Apr 24, 2018
Tony McMullin shares the story or Postcards to Voters. With a powerful digital platform, he's enabled thousands of dedicated craftivists to reach out in the most analog, fridge-friendly way to get out the vote in elections up and down the ballot.
Apr 10, 2018
The biggest surprise of the Texas primary was Mary Wilson's win in the 21st. Now heading for a runoff on May 22nd against Joseph Kopser, Wilson, a baptist pastor, tells her story and shares her vision for a more caring and just America.
Apr 3, 2018
This week the Two Moms review recent developments (Conor Lamb! Woo-hoo!), exhort listeners to sponsor the pod on https://patreon.com/themidpod and interview Kitsy McNulty of FairDistricts PA and G. Elliott Morris, editor of